Dr Ankita Pathak
India – Rabies Hero September 2022
Dr Ankita Pathak received a Rabies Hero Award for her novel work vaccinating stray animals in Mumbai and suburban areas, in India. Her dedication in providing animal care and raising awareness of rabies has set a benchmark for treatment, vaccination, adoption, and feeding programs in the area, and truly deserves a spotlight.
Dr Pathak is a female veterinarian who works in tough conditions taking any chance that she can to save an animal, often at her own expense. Known in her circles as the “Injectionwali Dr”, she has administered rabies vaccine to over 35,000 stray dogs and abandoned pets over the past 10 years.
Ankita became a veterinarian out of love and compassion for animals. After working with several NOGs and other groups who provided help for street animals in need of care and treatment, she enrolled with the veterinary college in Mumbai. Having graduated she continued to learn by visiting places all over the world to gain a real understanding of the psyche and life of street animals and applied this knowledge in her work ever since.
Today, she runs a spay-neuter program where thousands of animals have been sterilized and many abandoned pets and strays adopted under her guidance and expertise. She has operated more than 10,000 animals who came in for emergencies and various ailments, often saving their lives in the very last stage, and is also called a ‘second chance doctor’ by many for this reason.
Receiving the award Dr Pathak said:
“Rabies vaccination has been crucial for years, safeguarding the animals and community from this deadly disease. As they say, prevention is better than cure so vaccination against rabies should be every vet’s duty and everyone’s motto in the community”.
By recognizing Dr Pathak, we want to encourage all female veterinarians who are committed to the health and wellbeing of animals. We are delighted to celebrate her achievements bringing her forward as an example of many women’s invaluable role in veterinary care, a recognition they all deserve.
Click here to see the photos and a video of Ankita’s work.