APR 20

Vertical transmission of anti-ASFV antibodies as one of potential causes of seropositive results among young wild boar population in Poland Walczak, M., Frant, M., Juszkiewicz, M., (…), Bruczyńska, M., Woźniakowski, G. 2020 Polish journal of veterinary sciences, 23(1), pp. 21-25.

Vertical transmission of anti-ASFV antibodies as one of potential causes of seropositive results among young wild boar population in Poland Walczak, M., Frant, M., Juszkiewicz, M., (…), Bruczyńska, M., Woźniakowski, G. 2020 Polish journal of veterinary sciences, 23(1), pp. 21-25.

Successful infection of domestic pigs by ingestion of the European soft tick O. Erraticus that fed on African swine fever virus infected pig de Oliveira, R.P., Hutet, E., Duhayon, M., (…), Vial, L., Le Potier, M.-F. 2020 Viruses, 12(3), art. no. 300.

Successful infection of domestic pigs by ingestion of the European soft tick O. Erraticus that fed on African swine fever virus infected pig de Oliveira, R.P., Hutet, E., Duhayon, M., (…), Vial, L., Le Potier, M.-F. 2020 Viruses, 12(3), art. no. 300.