FEB 20

Reconstructing a transmission network and identifying risk factors of secondary transmissions in the 2010 foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in Japan, Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 66(5), pp. 2074-2086. Hayama, Y., Firestone, S.M., Stevenson, M.A., (…), Shimizu, Y., Tsutsui, T. 2019

Reconstructing a transmission network and identifying risk factors of secondary transmissions in the 2010 foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in Japan, Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 66(5), pp. 2074-2086. Hayama, Y., Firestone, S.M., Stevenson, M.A., (…), Shimizu, Y., Tsutsui, T. 2019

Transboundary movements of food-andmouth disease from India to Sri Lanka: A common pattern is shared by serotypes O and C. PLoS ONE, 14(12), art. no. e0227126. Ranaweera, L.T., Wijesundara, W.W.M.U.K., Jayarathne, H.S.M., (…), Weebadde, C.K., Sooriyapathirana, S.D.S.S. 2019

Transboundary movements of food-andmouth disease from India to Sri Lanka: A common pattern is shared by serotypes O and C. PLoS ONE, 14(12), art. no. e0227126. Ranaweera, L.T., Wijesundara, W.W.M.U.K., Jayarathne, H.S.M., (…), Weebadde, C.K., Sooriyapathirana, S.D.S.S. 2019

Transboundary movements of food-and-mouth disease from India to Sri Lanka: A common pattern is shared by serotypes O and C. PLoS ONE, 14(12), art. no. e0227126. Ranaweera, L.T., Wijesundara, W.W.M.U.K., Jayarathne, H.S.M., (…), Weebadde, C.K., Sooriyapathirana, S.D.S.S. 2019

Transboundary movements of food-and-mouth disease from India to Sri Lanka: A common pattern is shared by serotypes O and C. PLoS ONE, 14(12), art. no. e0227126. Ranaweera, L.T., Wijesundara, W.W.M.U.K., Jayarathne, H.S.M., (…), Weebadde, C.K., Sooriyapathirana, S.D.S.S. 2019

Long-term shifts in the seasonal abundance of adult Culicoides biting midges and their impact on potential arbovirus outbreaks, Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(7), pp. 1649-1660. Sanders, C.J., Shortall, C.R., England, M., (…), Carpenter, S., Gubbins, S. 2019

Long-term shifts in the seasonal abundance of adult Culicoides biting midges and their impact on potential arbovirus outbreaks, Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(7), pp. 1649-1660. Sanders, C.J., Shortall, C.R., England, M., (…), Carpenter, S., Gubbins, S. 2019