Seroprevalence of Rift Valley fever virus in domestic ruminants of various origins in two markets of Yaoundé, Cameroon Sado, F.Y., Tchetgna, H.S., Kamgang, B., (…), Ndip, R.N., Wondji, C.S. 2022 PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 16(8), p. e0010683.

Seroprevalence of Rift Valley fever virus in domestic ruminants of various origins in two markets of Yaoundé, Cameroon Sado, F.Y., Tchetgna, H.S., Kamgang, B., (…), Ndip, R.N., Wondji, C.S. 2022 PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 16(8), p. e0010683.

Comparative Assessment of Seroconversion in Poultry Vaccinated with Two Avian Influenza Vaccines Astemirov, B.A., Mamadaliyev, S.M., Perfiliyeva, Y.V., Kopochenya, M.A. 2022 American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 17(3), pp. 211-218.

Comparative Assessment of Seroconversion in Poultry Vaccinated with Two Avian Influenza Vaccines Astemirov, B.A., Mamadaliyev, S.M., Perfiliyeva, Y.V., Kopochenya, M.A. 2022 American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 17(3), pp. 211-218.

2. RABIES IN ARCTIC FOX (VULPES LAGOPUS) AND REINDEER (RANGIFER TARANDUS PLATYRHYNCHUS) DURING AN OUTBREAK ON SVALBARD, NORWAY, 2011-12 Ørpetveit, I., Reiten, M.R., Benestad, S.L., (…), Stokke, E., Ytrehus, B. 2022 Journal of wildlife diseases, 58(3), pp. 550-561.

2. RABIES IN ARCTIC FOX (VULPES LAGOPUS) AND REINDEER (RANGIFER TARANDUS PLATYRHYNCHUS) DURING AN OUTBREAK ON SVALBARD, NORWAY, 2011-12 Ørpetveit, I., Reiten, M.R., Benestad, S.L., (…), Stokke, E., Ytrehus, B. 2022 Journal of wildlife diseases, 58(3), pp. 550-561.

Knowledge of the Peruvian population about the actions that make up the preventive triad of rabies transmitted by bite of domestic dogs León, D., Amarista, M., Falcón, N. 2022 Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Peru, 33(3), art. no. e22903.

Knowledge of the Peruvian population about the actions that make up the preventive triad of rabies transmitted by bite of domestic dogs León, D., Amarista, M., Falcón, N. 2022 Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Peru, 33(3), art. no. e22903.