An outbreak of Rift Valley fever among peri-urban dairy cattle in northern Tanzania de Glanville, W.A., Allan, K.J., Nyarobi, J.M., (…), Willett, B.J., Cleaveland, S. 2022 Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 116(11), pp. 1082-1090.

An outbreak of Rift Valley fever among peri-urban dairy cattle in northern Tanzania de Glanville, W.A., Allan, K.J., Nyarobi, J.M., (…), Willett, B.J., Cleaveland, S. 2022 Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 116(11), pp. 1082-1090.

Sero-Prevalence of Rift Valley Fever and Brucellosis in Cattle of Northern Benin, West Africa Boko, K.C., Ibrahim, A.I., Akpo, Y., (…), Zoclanclounon, A.-R., Farougou, S. 2022 American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 17(4), pp. 267-273.

Sero-Prevalence of Rift Valley Fever and Brucellosis in Cattle of Northern Benin, West Africa Boko, K.C., Ibrahim, A.I., Akpo, Y., (…), Zoclanclounon, A.-R., Farougou, S. 2022 American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 17(4), pp. 267-273.