Resource Media

A Comparative Analysis of Lumpy Skin Disease Prediction Through Machine Learning Approaches Dofadar, D.F., Abdullah, H.M., Khan, R.H., Rahman, R., Ahmed, M.S. 2022 4th IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Technology, IICAIET 2022.

A Comparative Analysis of Lumpy Skin Disease Prediction Through Machine Learning Approaches Dofadar, D.F., Abdullah, H.M., Khan, R.H., Rahman, R., Ahmed, M.S. 2022 4th IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Technology, IICAIET 2022.

Inter-epidemic Rift Valley fever virus infection incidence and risks for zoonotic spillover in northern Tanzania de Glanville, W.A., Nyarobi, J.M., Kibona, T., (…), Willett, B., Cleaveland, S. 2022 PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 16(10), art. no. e0010871.

Inter-epidemic Rift Valley fever virus infection incidence and risks for zoonotic spillover in northern Tanzania de Glanville, W.A., Nyarobi, J.M., Kibona, T., (…), Willett, B., Cleaveland, S. 2022 PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 16(10), art. no. e0010871.