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06 Apr 2022
A Culture of Well-being, for People and Animals

Marketing Lead, International Veterinary Health
Today, we are delighted to share with you stories of some impressive efforts to help improve the lives of people and animals on our planet. On World Health Day, 7th April, the global community reflects on ways to keep humans healthy, now and in the future. Inspired by this year’s theme “Our planet, our health”, we look at three areas where the interconnection between people, animals, and the environment plays a significant role in creating a society that is truly focused on the well-being of all. We believe that the One Health approach can make a real difference in some of the most intricate global issues: preventing animal disease helps to fight the threat of hunger, keeping dogs healthy helps people to protect endangered species, and, saves humans from deadly zoonosis….
Spotlight on: PPR control in Morocco
Our latest ‘Focus On…’ article is a spotlight on Morocco and the country’s journey in managing Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR), an infectious disease of sheep and goats that threatens the livelihoods of millions of people who rely on their animals for subsistence. Dr Tarik Embarki takes us back to Morocco’s first outbreak of PPR drawing a picture of the control efforts to date.

Protecting rhinos in South Africa
Moving down to the southern end of the continent, we deep dive into a rhino protection program in the South African wilderness. In an eye-opening conversation with Captain Carl Thornton, in this episode of the emergence podcast, we learn about the anti-poaching efforts and the incredible role the dogs play in saving animals endangered with extinction. This exclusive interview is a vivid account of what it takes to protect wildlife. Capt. Thornton tells a compelling story about the beauty of working side by side with the man’s best friend while facing the dangers of poacher chasing.
If you are more of a visual person, make sure to read Painting the Picture of Rhino Protection in South Africa, which follows on from this amazing conversation.

Animal welfare pioneer Dr Mo receives Rabies Hero Award
Finally, we want to drive your attention to the latest recipient of our Rabies Hero Award. Dr Abdul Jalil Mohammadzai has been recognized for his groundbreaking achievements in developing programs for mass rabies vaccination in Afghanistan. A real animal welfare champion who played an instrumental role in raising veterinary care standards in Kabul. We are delighted to name him our #RabiesHero. Visit the Rabies Hero Awards wall of fame to learn more about his work.

There is a lot we can do to help protect all life on our planet, and these are just a few examples. Wildlife conservation, humane dog handling in rabies control, and vaccinating sheep herds to help build sustainable communities, are all part of a culture of well-being, helping to build a healthier world.
Marketing Lead, International Veterinary Health