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15 Mar 2022
Rabies Hero Dr Mo – work in pictures

Marketing Lead, International Veterinary Health
The first Rabies Hero Award this year goes to Dr Abdul Jalil Mohammadzai, known as Dr Mo, for his groundbreaking work in Kabul, including establishing the first mass canine rabies vaccination program and improving the handling of dogs in Afghanistan.

Dr Mo has been instrumental in raising welfare standards and veterinary care in Kabul. His efforts working alongside The Mayhew Animal Home, have led to an agreement with Kabul Municipality to stop the inhumane culling of dogs in the city, saving thousands of dogs’ lives. Before this agreement, people would aimlessly harm or kill stray dogs seen as a nuisance. Through this work, authorities in the city have taken on an essential role in protecting the dog population and supporting Dr Mo in his efforts.

Despite the challenges throughout 2021 Mayhew Afghanistan’s objective remained to carry on with two main programs in the city of Kabul – mass canine rabies vaccination and the TNR (trap-neuter-return) program.

In the last 2 weeks of September, more than 200 dogs we have been vaccinated and neutered, after the operations were partly resumed and the work could gradually get back to normal. Today, Dr Mo continues to strategize with a team committed to improving animals and people’s lives.

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Marketing Lead, International Veterinary Health