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16 Dec 2021
Wishing You Well for 2022

Executive Director, International Veterinary Health
It’s hard to believe that it is coming up to two years since we have been able to meet face to face. I’m happy that, in many cases, we have managed to still keep in contact through virtual meetings, and both the emergence website and podcast have allowed us to share breaking news in the emerging and transboundary disease world.
The importance of a One Health One Welfare approach has never been clearer than now. So, despite the upheavals to our lives, I am heartened by how partnerships are stronger now than ever, there is a greater trust and commitment to find ways to work together and overcome diseases such as rabies, foot and mouth disease, lumpy skin disease, and others.

I look forward to 2022 with hope and good cheer, confident that we will all achieve much, standing side by side. Have a wonderful end of the year, enjoy time with families and friends, and we will see you, reinvigorated and recharged, in 2022.
Executive Director, International Veterinary Health